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They usually say that when you stop practicing something for a while, you will find difficulty getting back to it. Same thing applies to blogging. It has been 1 week I am sitting in front of my screen, trying to put out a new subject for my readers, but I wasn't able to do so. And I think it is normal!

Let me clarify it more to you. When I was in Lebanon, I was always busy, busy with school, busy with work, busy with family and friends, busy going out, busy with politics, everyday problems and so on... I was never alone! It was more like a community life, where you belong to that community and you always talk and listen to people. You are never silent!
When I came to Montréal, my life's routine changed. I started spending more time alone. I started spending more time silent, at school, in the metro or even in my room. That's where I started learning how to listen to my thoughts and the voice inside my head instead of talking and listening to other people. And that's where I started blogging, even if it's not a professional writing, but at least, I could now translate my thoughts into actual words that I can share with people.
And there is always a triggering event that gives you anger, adrenaline or strong feelings that makes you wanna express yourself...
My aim here is not to talk about one person: I won't waste my time by talking about him because he doesn't really matter, he is only someone desperate for fame, trying to achieve it the cheapest way same as many others in the Lebanese society.
And it worked, and it works every time... But he is not the one to blame, it is us! Why did his cheap way to get a minute of fame work? Isn't it because the audience, us, actually paid attention to him and gave him the fame he wants? Isn't it because we cared to the silly thing he did and gave him of our time more than he deserves?
What I really want from this post is to express my sadness because of where our society is heading, the image of women that we are accepting and practicing and the values we are destroying! You know... What makes Lebanon special is really its rich heritage from the time of the Phoenicians till now. Yes, we will not live in the past and people actually evolve and adapt... but when you see that your society is moving backward instead of forward, you would feel disappointed!
We have been taken by what is shallow to the point that we forgot to value art! Our relations with each others and with ourselves are all based on appearance! We've been distracted by everything that shines, is materialistic and sexual! And that is why every now and then someone tries to benefit from that by giving a performance full of sexual attitude and based on looks and nothing but looks, and it works!
It has been 1 year I am in Montreal and till now I have never seen any advertisement or billboard using women body to sell a product, I am not seeing Sex embedded in every small or big subject on TVs like in Lebanon! Why? Because there is no obsession. Because they respect the woman as a person and would never think about her as a sex symbol. Women are not valued by how they look (nor men) and that's why they don't need to refer to plastic surgeries to look better nor to fancy cloth to get respect nor to shake their body to get attention!
We are distracted! We won't pay attention to researches in the field of medicine, nor to engineering projects to build nicer Beirut, nor to ways to resolve our society's problems. Because we are distracted!
It makes me so sad that we, educated decent women, work hard to get ourselves in front, fight all obstacles to try to make a great picture about Lebanese women, while trash like that, sing with there body and make a whole crap of picture to the world about Lebanese women, making us look not more than plastic dolls with sex appeal and empty heads that have no respect to ourselves nor to fine art! It makes me so sad that we don't care for fine art to the point that Lebanese people won't talk about an event like Amine Maalouf's reward as much as they would talk about a song where the singer actually miyaws!
I feel sad because I am disappointed! I traveled to study, I am working hard day, night and weekends to make something out of myself and to improve myself and my image. I want to be a part of a better society. And suddenly I feel that all my efforts are going with the wind because the Lebanese society prefers to sing a shitty song where the singer declines a woman's education and asks her to be a barbie doll and songs where the singer actually miyaws!
It makes me sad to hear what people here in Montréal think about Lebanese women! While talking about us they don't mention but plastic surgeries, sex symbols and men's show off!
It makes me sad the fact that women are not present in the political life as they should be, and that they are not taken seriously even though Lebanon is a country where women are liberated much more than any of the countries around it. Why? Because we are still letting crap be the center of our attention! We are actually distracted by ear worms like those!
I was happy to find that some people said No out loud to such a low level... but this is not the first time! We already accepted that, we applauded and we are still paying attention. This way, our society will turn into shitty one where there is no place for Women that actually do fine art or excel in the field of engineering, business, politics, medicine... No Woman wants to be in a competition with a singer that miyaws!
We aren't but an audience that applauds... that's really sad!
Good luck bringing Women in front!
See you soon...